Felix Lee
Co-founder and CEO
Felix is the Co-founder and CEO of ADPList.
He established ADPList in 2021 to create the world’s most trusted human network for knowledge sharing. Since then, ADPList has become the largest mentorship platform globally, boasting 25,000 verified mentors from leading companies such as Netflix, Airbnb, and NVIDIA. These mentors have conducted over 100 million minutes of mentorship sessions on industry topics including product design, product management, data science, and software development. In 2021, ADPList secured US $1.3 million in funding from Sequoia Capital India and Goodwater Capital.
Prior to this, Lee co-founded Packdat, which was acquired in 2018, and led product design at Gotrade and Passpod.
Lee has been recognised on the Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia List and Tatler’s Generation T Future Leader List in 2023.
Linkedin Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/felixleezd